Thanks for sticking around, everyone!
You’ve certainly noticed everything looks pretty different. Since my website plugin tool SiteGrinder bit the virtual dust, we had to move to remaking the site through WordPress. The upside to this is that you’re now looking at a much prettier, and better updated site! The art here is all new to the site, all done in the time since my last update here. So, check it all out!
The launch of Arcane Eon is fast approaching, and to make it a viable work avenue, I have started a Patreon! It’s an art deco/art nouveau inspired fantasy action adventure story featuring a wide cast of characters in a world of magic, discovering its secrets and what to do with that knowledge. Check it out and consider becoming a patron for exclusive sketches, early access to pages, wallpapers, and more!
I will also be appearing at the Art in the Park in Piermont, NY this Sunday, September 21st as part of the Cohen Art Studio table. I’ll be doing pencil sketchcards, selling my personal stock of prints, and face painting. If you’re in the area, come say hi!